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  • hepollan33

Setting Goals

Setting goals, this has been a tough area for me over the last few months because everything I need to do seems so overwhelming. I need to establish myself on Instagram. I need to get my website up and going. I need to start marketing my products. And what about Facebook and YouTube, I have to do those. But I still have to find time to create my art, there is not enough time. I am still a mom and a wife, ect. So what is the solution? For me, I am choosing one thing at a time.

I decided that without a body of work I don't have any to sell. So that must be number one in my division of time. Number two needs to be marketing, but I don't feel I have the tools to do this alone. Therefore I have decided to hire a company to help me. Finally, I feel a priority needs to go to developing connections in the art world.

These goals will need to change as I gain information. Life is not stagnant and we make goals and decisions based on the information that we have at hand. I am sure by this time next year i will be setting new goals. I just hope I will have met some of my current ones.

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